Getting tested for sexually transmitted infections or diseases is a healthy and responsible part of being sexually active. Whether you are in a committed relationship or participate in casual sex, it is important to put your health first.
What is a Sexually Transmitted Infection?
A sexually transmitted infection is a condition contracted during sexual contact. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be caused by both bacteria and viruses.
STI causing viruses
- Herpes
- Hepatitis
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
- Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
STIs causing bacteria
- Chlamydia
- Syphilis
- Gonorrhea
If you believe you may have contracted an STI, it is important to see a health care professional immediately, especially as some STIs may mimic the signs and symptoms of other conditions.
What Conditions Mimic a Sexually Transmitted Infection?
Many other conditions can exhibit the same signs and symptoms of STIs. For example, conditions that involve a burning sensation when urinating (such as a urinary tract infection) or excessive vaginal itching (such as a yeast infection) or discharge may be mistaken for an STI. It is critical to avoid self-diagnosing, as this could lead to a worsening condition.
Can I Get a Sexually Transmitted Infection From Oral Sex?
An STI can be contracted during any sexual contact, whether penetrative, oral, or another skin-to-skin contact. Taking proper precautions like condoms, dental dams, and routine STI testing can help prevent contracting infections.
How Are Sexually Transmitted Infections Treated?
There are many different treatments for STIs. A bacteria-caused STI may be treated with a round of antibiotics until the infection clears, while a doctor may only be able to treat the symptoms of an incurable STI like herpes. STI treatment varies based on the cause and severity of the infection.
Where Can I Get Tested for Sexually Transmitted Infections in Albuquerque?
Urgent cares, primary care physicians, and health clinics typically offer
STI testing. However, if time is of the essence, visiting a facility specializing in STI testing like Pregnancy Help Online can offer a judgment-free STI test, and quickly.
Why Choose Pregnancy Help Online?
Pregnancy Help Online is an Albuquerque based clinic, providing professional non-judgemental services to individuals seeking sexually transmitted infections testing, post-abortion counseling, ultrasounds, and pregnancy services. Our compassionate and highly-skilled staff works tirelessly to ensure your comfort, safety, and health during what can be a difficult time.
Find out why Pregnancy Help Online is the pregnancy and adoption agency New Mexico residents trust - call today!